Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Big Day with Eva

I have ten days off from school for Semana Santa which began on Holy Thursday. So, for the first day of holidays, Eva and I planned a big day full of adventures. It was a gorgeous day of plus 26, with blue skies until the late afternoon. I caught the metro to meet her in Urduliz, where she lives and picked me up, and we went to Plentzia (only 10 mintues from Urduliz). Plentzia is one of the bigger towns in the metropolis, and is absolutely beautiful! There are big houses on the beach, nice restaurants and bars, a cute harbor, and an amazing beach. I think it's my favorite part of the metropolis so far! Eva and I walked along the coast and enjoyed the beach for most of the early afternoon, and then enjoyed some rabas (large calamari) and coke on the waterfront.
Next, we went back to her place in Urduliz for lunch with her mom. Her mom, Ana, used to be a singer that was quite famous in Spain. She was part of a group called Mocedades (you can see her sing here: She made a delicious lunch of a vegetable soup traditional to the Basque country for the first plate, salmon and tomatoes for the second plate, and strawberries for desert. After lunch, we had to get ready to go play Basketball in Bilbao at 5:30pm. We picked up Leire (our cheerleader for the game), Jon (Eva's boyfriend) and Marcio (Jon's friend from Brazil) and then met up with a few more of Jon's friends and played a game of 4 on 4 at a nice outdoor court in Bilbao. It was a lot of fun and a good game. Surprisingly, I played somewhat well! I even made a few baskets! After the game, we all went to a near by cafe for some coffee.
Since it was already 8pm, Eva and I went back to her house to shower, and get ready for our evening. We also managed to have time to watch an episode of 'Sexo in Nueve York' because we weren't meeting the girls on the metro back to Bilbao until 10:15pm. This has become my favorite thing to watch in Spanish, because I remember what happens in most episodes and can learn from it. Plus, it's still a great show. Leire, Ane (Leire's little sister), and Zoe (Ane's best friend) met us on the metro back to Bilbao. We went to my place, Naiara met up with us there, and we all enjoyed some pizza and wine while listening to some music.
Finally, once it was early morning, we headed out to the clubs in Bilbao. There's one street near Indautxu filled with neat clubs and 'the galleria' which is an indoor hallway filled with more clubs. We started at Bluesville where we met up with Jon and some of his friends.  We ended up with an excellent group of ten people. The whole night was filled with jokes, laughter, and general ridiculousness. We ended up going to three separate clubs and ended our night at 6am. I can't remember the last time I was so tired!
I thoroughly enjoyed the day (including the night and early morning) and was impressed that I didn't have to use my English that often. My Spanish is definitely improving, and I didn't even notice until Eva and Leire pointed it out! YAY!! Five weeks in, and I can converse! (However, it's conversing with terrible grammar, but still conversing!)
I did not attend the crucifixion or processions on Friday...I slept until 4pm in the afternoon instead... but I think it may have been for the better. Seeing someone crucified in the streets for realsies would have grossed me out.  I still can't believe they actually nail a real human being to a cross. I just don't understand. I'm thinking I will go to see the happier processions of the resurrection tomorrow for Easter Sunday.  Right now I'm watching bull-fighting on TV while I write this. I can't help but think it's somewhat cruel and wonder why such hot guys are wearing such ridiculous clothing, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Hasta la proximá vez,

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