Tonight is the final game in the King's Cup (La Copa del Rey - Spain's most prestigious soccer tournament). Bilbao has made it to the final for the first time in 25 years and will be playing Barcelona (Barça). The entire city has become coated in red and white, and everyone is exited about tonights game (even including me). Eva, Leire and I have tickets to see the game from San Mames (Bilbao's stadium) even though the game will be played in Valencia. They have an incredibly large screen set up, and the tickets have been sold out for over a month. So I will be painted with red and white, wearing my 'Bilbao Athletic' scarf singing the Athletic's anthem in basque drinking kalimotxo this evening!!
Bilbao Athletic Anthem:
Original version | My attempt at an english translation |
Athletic, Athletic, Athletic eup! Athletic, gorri ta zuria danontzat zara zu geuria Erritik sortu ziñalako maite zaitu erriak Gaztedi gorri-zuria zelai orlegian Euskalerriaren erakusgarria. Zabaldu daigun guztiok Irrintzi alaia: Athletic, Athletic zu zara nagusia Altza Gaztiak Athletic, Athletic, gogoaren Indarra. Aritz zarraren enborrak loratu dau orbel barria. Aupa mutilak! aurrera gure gaztiak! Bilbo ta Bizkai guztia goratu bedi munduan Aupa mutilak! gora beti Euskalerria! Athletic gorri-zuria geuria. Bilbo ta Bizkai guztiak gora! Euskaldun zintzoak aurrera! | Athletic, Athletic, Athletic eup! Athletic Red and White for all, you are ours because you were born for the people the people you love. Youth red and white green field example of Basque Country We propagate the exultant cry Athletic, Athletic you're the best, Top young! Athletic, Athletic strength of spirit The trunk of the old Oak has sprouted new leaves Top boys! Forward our youth! And Bilbao Bizkaia Exalted throughout the world. Top boys! Top Basque Country always! Athletic red and white ours. Top young and Bilbao Bizkaia! Nobles Basques ahead! |
An interesting fact about Athletic Bilbao: They are the only team in the Europe that only contracts players from the region they represent: The Basque country. Only players from the seven official Basque provinces can be contracted to play for Bilbao. So, with Bilbao in such a prestigious final it evokes much pride in the people of the Basque Country.
Stay tuned!
Hasta la proximá vez,
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