On Tuesday, Diana presented and defended her thesis in the afternoon and became a doctor! Everyone from the lab and some of her friends we there to see her presentation and celebrate afterwards. The thesis defense is a bit different here than at the U of S, and I think perhaps a bit easier. Here, instead of limiting the time you have to present, they let you talk and talk and talk for as long as your want, then the panel of advisors comment on your thesis and presentation and ask only a couple questions. In Canada you only have a 1/2 hour to present, and then the panel of advisors attacks you with what seems like thousands of questions to determine whether or not you truly know the work your presenting. However, Diana did very well during her presentation and we were all very proud of her.
After the presentation we all went out to lunch to our usual restaurant for celebrations which always has delicious basque food. Then we met some more of Diana's friends in the new port in Getxo for some drinks (and some of the best ice cream I've ever had while we waited for people to show up). We went to a pub called 'Silver's' which was completely nautically themed. It was such a cool pub.
On a completely unrealated note, I want to point out that, as you can see from the pictures below, the lab where I work (lab 2) is obviously the 'cool lab' with all of the 'cool scientists'. (Introducing the word 'cool' to this lab has been hilarious - everything has become the 'cool (insert object)' and better than the (insert object) in lab 3, 4 and especially lab 1. I love the way spaniards say cool - it's more like CUUUel.) I'm not looking forward to returning to the lab at the U of S. The lab that is dark, dingy, filthy, and has less english speaking people than here. But, I am looking forward to seeing Dragan and Richard again. I do miss the conveniences of lab techs and chem stores. Can't have your cake and eat it too, I guess. I still disapprove of this saying. Why would anyone want cake they can't eat?? Wouldn't it just get moldy and gross and eventually you'd have to throw it out? What's the point of this cake??
Hasta la proximá vez,
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