Sunday, July 26, 2009

Paella festival in Getxo

Saturday was another BIG DAY consisting of the Paella festival in Getxo, midnight beaching, and another jaiak (festival) in Gorliz. It was an amazingly good time. The paella festival is based solely around the making and eating of Paellas. There's an official Paella contest, where people (who are actually good at making paella) compete and then sell plates of their paella for €1. However, there were many (MANY) people like us (Eva, Marta, Leire, Cecilia, Aitor, Javi, Josu, Emanual, Iker, me and many more) who set up a tent, prepared sangria and a not-so-professional paella, and kept it just for ourselves.
We arrived Saturday morning to claim the site we rented and set things up. By noon we had multiple buckets of sangria and the fields were packed full of people doing the same things. There were also many txosnas that had been set up so as you walked around the fields you could stop and listen to music and dance in the outdoor bars. Also, the fields were located along the river bank and the views and walks from along the bank were beautiful.
After dark the paella festival started to thin out a bit and everyone that was left moved to the txosnas. We packed up our site and headed down to the beach in Algorta (one of the neighborhoods in Getxo) for a midnight swim. The water suprisingly wasn't that cold (by my Canadian standards anyway) and then went to the mellow bar on the beach for some hot cider before we went all the way to Gorliz (close to Plentzia) for the jaiak (festival) there. It was a great day filled with ridculous amount of sun, food, and sangria.

Hasta la proximá vez,

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