Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eva turns 24!

Last night we celebrated Eva's 24th birthday in the same fashion that we celebrated mine. Our friends and people from her basketball team got together and we enjoyed a giant supper and drinks at Eva's house and then went out to Sopelana to enjoy the clubs along the beaches. It was a very enjoyable evening although it rained all day and night yesterday and I ended up completely soaked by the end of the night. I have to say cold and wet and so much worse than just cold. I don't know how well I would fair if I was going to be here for the entire rainy winter. Snow and colder may be better.
On an entirely different note, Stu arrives in less than 4 days! We'll be leaving on our grand euro-adventure a week tomorrow (October 19)! We'll be traveling to Madrid, Lisbon, Seville, Tarifa, Tangier (Morocco), Granada, Alicante, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Berlin. So the blog will become much more interesting soon. In the last while the blog dwindled, but now it will be back and better than ever! Look forward to some travel pictures!

Hasta la proximá vez,

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